When you get home from a stressful day, the only thing you want to do is take off those heels, bra, throw off that wig and lay in bed and watch Netflix. Who wants a bedroom that is not a representation of themselves and is not a relaxing and peaceful place? A bedroom should be a place where you grow, cry, dance and laugh. A room where you create good times and even better memories. I feel as though I can be myself and vulnerable in my “safe place”. So, here are some easy steps that you can implement to make your room/dorm a success.
Keep Reading Creating a Perfect and Positive Atmosphere

Decide Color Pattern
Choose a color and design that you like and not a color or design that is popular or “trendy”. Remember you are going to be looking at this room day in and day out. I recommend choosing two or three colors with an accent color. I choose white, gray, and pink with an accent of rose gold. Having a white or Gray color scheme leaves a way to easily change the colors of your room if you need a color/design change.

When the lights go out, my tree lights up! I am absolutely in love with my tree of lights. Lights do not always have to be LED lights, but also investing in some really good candles, designed to match your theme, is a good tool to create a relaxing environment. After a stressful day, I always turn off my lights and turn on my tree, light candles, play relaxing music, and throw on a face mask. Lighting is a sure-fire way to help ease the space and bring tranquility to your room.
Accent pieces
Accent pieces have a way of bringing a room together. When I was first decorating my room, I realized my space seemed dull. So, I went to TJMAXX and bought some rose gold knick-knacks to put on my side table. Also, I recently bought a book that went perfectly with my theme, so why not throw that on there as well. Any piece that brings attention to a corner of a room and makes it stands out will be perfect for a dorm/bedroom.
Reuse, Recycle and Repurpose
Items from your previous decor do not have to be thrown in the garbage! It is called to recycle and reuse for a reason! This piece featured in the picture above was originally three separate colors. I did not want to spend money on another back boarder. So, I went to Walmart, bought spray paint, and painted those bad boys. This is one of many examples of how you can incorporate old items into your new room.
When it comes to throw pillows, I say, the more, the better. I am obsessed with throw pillows. I feel as though they make the bed seem more welcoming as if it is saying, “come to me and lay your sleepy head upon me”. Also, adding a throw blanket to your bed will help the attractiveness of your bed. Throws are also perfect if you do not want to mess up a perfectly made bed. All you have to do is grab the throw and kick up your heels.

Great Inspo for my daughters room! Love it💞