I would normally classify my style as one part trendy, another part classy chic, and the other half casually cute. However, I do think at times that we need to switch up our styles and try on something different. I am the last person who embraces and likes change, but I actually do like switching up my style from time to time. I also let my friends pick out and style some outfits for me, to take me a little out of my comfort zone. Some of those clothing try-on montages don't go so well because honey some of those outfits were horrible (you didn't hear this from me!).
One thing that makes this outfit is the bag! Let's get into the bag! Just a little tip, adding just a hint of fringe to any look will tie in a boho look. It brings the whole outfit together and ties in the boho-chic look that I was going for. I receive so many compliments on this bag and everyone consistently ask me where I got it from. Sadly, I have to say I am not sure because it was a gift and a gorgeous one at that. However, y'all know I am always looking out, which is why I have listed some similar bags down below that you guys can go shop from!
Keep Reading Boho Chic on a Budget

Seeing that summer is almost over, I could not let it go without ending it in a sundress. I remember being younger and hating dresses, I used to be so scared of embracing my femininity because of my size and I only wore jeans and flowy shirts that didn't show to much of my shape. Seeing myself grow from that small timid girl into this blossoming woman, literally has me in awe of myself.
I am not very big on jewelry because my skin is highly sensitive to anything around my neck that isn't real. I know that sounds bougie AF, but it is honest to goodness truth. This is why I just added small hoops to tie in the accessories. This summer has truly been a "hot girl summer" and I am not using that phrase in the cultural sense, because honestly, it has truly been HOT! This is why I have been toning down my makeup and going with the more natural makeup looks and not all of the glitz and glam that I normally do.